Keepsake Jewellery

Keepsake Jewellery

We have a wide selection of jewellery designed for everyday wear.

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Finger Print

Memorial Jewellery

Nothing is more personal or unique than a fingerprint charm. Taken from your loved one, it's the perfect way to keep them forever close at heart.

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Signet Ring

Ashes Into Glass

Ashes into Glass is a local company that offers a unique way to retain the ashes of your loved one by sealing them in glass memorial items.

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Ruby Paper Weight

Memorial Paperweight

Twists of coloured glass encased within fine crystal glass represent a spiritual embrace - a lasting commemoration to your loved one's life.

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Supporting You Along The Way

If you wish to have a discussion with one of our funeral arrangers, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We can talk through yours and your loved one’s needs and discuss how we can best celebrate their life.